New: Vector Device Icon Set
Posted by webiconset in the Icon Tutorials section.
We have just released a set of Vector Device Icon Set. Vector Device Icon Set contains high-resolution icons for popular devices & electronic products. We have simplified the icons fit into small icons, at same time leaving certain amounts of details to resemble the actual device.
There are total 30 vector icons in 32 – 512px size. They come in PSD & PNG format. Vector Device Icon Set includes iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, Windows Phone, Mac Desktop, Macbook Air, Macbook Pro, Scanner, Printer, Telephone, Fax Machine, Camera, Barcode Scanner, Keyboard, Mouse + Mouse Pad, Drawing Pad, Speaker, PC Desktop, Mac Mini, Web Cam, CD, Headphone, Hardisc and etc…
What are you waiting for? Let’s head over there and download the icons! If you are a member, you can download this set for Free! If you are not a member yet, why not join us and download over 1,000 quality icons now?