Social Media Glyphs Icon Set
Social Media Glyphs is a most complete set of social media icons for you. It contains 100 most favorite social services and applications. With vector format, you can scale them to any size to fit your design.
Social Media Glyphs Icon Set includes Apple, Andriod, Behance, Google Buzz, Reddit, Digg, App Store, Yahoo, Dribbble, PayPal, Youtube, WordPress, Tumblr, Twitter, Amazon, AIM, Cloud, Technorati, Deviantart, Grooveshark and etc…
- PNG, AI Format
- 16px - 512px Various Sizes
- Available for Personal and Commercial Projects
Application Toolbar Icon Set
The set contains almost every icon you need for designing web application, e-Commerce and general websites. All of them look very professional and modern. And we pay a lot of attention to the consistency of this icon set.
- PNG Format
- 48, 32, 24px Sizes
- Available for Personal and Commercial Projects
Social Media Icon Set
This set contains 20 most popular social media networks icons on the internet. The colored logos are immediately recognizable by people. They come with 3 variations: Normal state, Hover State and Clicked State.
- PNG Format
- 48px Sizes
- Available for Personal and Commercial Projects
Minimal Vector Mini Icon Set
Minimalistic design never goes out of style. These icons will look great with clean and minimal web designs. All of them are monochromatic, you can put different colors, create your own letterpress and different effects.
- PNG, PSD Vector Format
- 16px and Various Sizes
- Available for Personal and Commercial Projects
Do You Like Custom Icon Designs?
We are experienced in providing you professional & quality web icons. Please feel free to let us know if you need any custom icon design.
Fill out the form to the right and send it to us with your enquiry. We’ll be happy to reply within 24 hours!