Join our membership to get full access to all of our current and upcoming premium icons with a much much more affordable subscription fee than a singular purchase.
What is is website with professional and quality royalty-free stock icons for all kind of designers, which was established in 2009. Our icons are very creative and unique. Every icon is 100% beautifully hand-crafted with consistency and usability. They are perfect for websites, web applications and wireframes creation.
What are payment options?
All icons can be purchased over PayPal, world leading online payment processor. The payment transfer is going through PayPal's secured and encrypted connection. No credit card or bank details are given to us.
How are the icons delivered?
After becoming our members, you will be given username and password by email. You can login with your account ay any time, and then go back to our homepage and download all icons you want.
If you are only buying individual icon set, as soon as the payment is verified by PayPal, a copy of the download link for that particluar icon set will be sent to your email.
Can I use your premium icons for my client projects?
Yes, all icons you pruchased are royalty-free, you can use the them in any commerical or personal projects, as many time as you want. No attribution is required, but we will be happy if you do so.
Can I really download all icons with no limits after becoming a member?
Yes! Premium members get access to all icons without limits. Freelancer subscription is last for 12 months, Business subscription is last for 3 years. You are getting full access to all of our current and also upcoming icon releases regularly.
What happens if I cancel my subscription? And how can I cancel my subscription?
When you cancel your subscription, your premium membership will end up and you won’t be billed into the future, even if you will be allowed to download our resources till the end of the paid-covered period.
You can terminate your subscription at any time from you Paypal account. Here is the process: enter your Paypal account, go to My Account > Profile > Recurring Payment Dashboard. Here you can cancel WebIconSet subscription (Action: Cancel).
Can I refund my order(s) or subscription?
Sorry, we cannot offer you a refund. Since they are digital files, all icons are not refundable. However, files can be replaced if damaged or lost. Simply send us an email.
We are experienced in providing you professional & quality web icons. Please feel free to let us know if you need any custom icon design.
Fill out the form to the right and send it to us with your enquiry. We’ll be happy to reply within 24 hours!